
13 years 10 months ago
Software Semantic Provisioning: Actually Reusing Software
Savino Sguera, Armando Stellato, Philippe Ombredan...
13 years 10 months ago
Ontology-Driven Generation of a FederatedSchema for GIS
Agustina Buccella, Domenico Gendarmi, Filippo Lanu...
13 years 10 months ago
Who the FOAF knows Alice? RDF Revocation in DBin 2.0
In this paper we take a view from the bottom to RDF(S) reasoning. We discuss some issues and requirements on reasoning towards effectively building Semantic Web Pipes, aggregating ...
Christian Morbidoni, Axel Polleres, Giovanni Tumma...
13 years 10 months ago
Towards Social Semantic Suggestive Tagging
The organization of the knowledge on the web is increasingly becoming a social task performed by online communities whose members share a common interest in classifying different t...
Fabio Calefato, Domenico Gendarmi, Filippo Lanubil...
13 years 10 months ago
Foaf-O-Matic - Solving the Identity Problem in the FOAF Network
An issue that is equally arising both from social networks and the Semantic Web is the fact that, without the consistent use of the same identifier for an object across systems, i...
Stefano Bortoli, Heiko Stoermer, Paolo Bouquet, Ho...
13 years 10 months ago
Using WordNet to turn a Folksonomy into a Hierarchy of Concepts
As the volume of information in the read-write Web increases rapidly, folksonomies are becoming a widely used tool to organize and categorize resources in a bottom up, flat and in...
David Laniado, Davide Eynard, Marco Colombetti
13 years 10 months ago
The JUMP project: Domain Ontologies and Linguistic Knowledge @ Work
The JUMP project aims at bringing together the knowledge stored in different information systems in order to satisfy information and training needs in knowledge-intensive organisa...
Pierpaolo Basile, Marco Degemmis, Anna Lisa Gentil...
13 years 10 months ago
UFOme: A User Friendly Ontology Mapping Environment
Recently the Ontology Mapping Problem (OMP) has been identified as a key factor towards the success of the Semantic Web and related applications. This problem arises since it is po...
Giuseppe Pirrò, Domenico Talia
13 years 10 months ago
OWL-S Atomic Services Composition with SWRL Rules
This paper presents a method for encoding OWL-S atomic processes by means of SWRL rules and composing them using a backward search planning algorithm. A description of the prelimin...
Domenico Redavid, Luigi Iannone, Terry R. Payne
13 years 10 months ago
Links and Cycles of Web Databases
This paper proposes a novel framework for composing web databases. Web databases are assumed to have explicit descriptions of I/O attributes and are considered as components of fun...
Masao Mori, Tetsuya Nakatoh, Sachio Hirokawa