
82views Education» more  CORR 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Using eigenvectors of the bigram graph to infer morpheme identity
This paper describes the results of some experiments exploring statistical methods to infer syntactic categories from a raw corpus in an unsupervised fashion. It shares certain po...
Mikhail Belkin, John A. Goldsmith
67views more  JOLLI 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
Optionality, Scope, and Licensing: An Application of Partially Ordered Categories
Abstract. This paper uses a partially ordered set of syntactic categories to accommodate optionality and licensing in natural language syntax. A complex but well-studied data set p...
Raffaella Bernardi, Anna Szabolcsi
121views more  JCP 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
Algorithms for Identifying the Multiple Syntactic Categories and Meanings of the Word Over
The word over, among others, is associated with a great variety of syntactic categories and meanings. Although over has received attention from scholars in different frameworks for...
Yukiko Sasaki Alam
13 years 10 months ago
Construction Of Corpus-Based Syntactic Rules For Accurate Speech Recognition
This paper describes the syntactic rules which are applied in the Japanese speech recognition module of a speech-to-speech translation system. Japanese is considered to be a free ...
Junko Hosaka, Toshiyuki Takezawa