
13 years 4 months ago
The category-theoretic solution of recursive metric-space equations
Lars Birkedal, Kristian Støvring, Jacob Tha...
13 years 4 months ago
A fluid analysis framework for a Markovian process algebra
Markovian process algebras, such as PEPA and stochastic -calculus, bring a powerful compositional approach to the performance modelling of complex systems. However, the models gen...
Richard A. Hayden, Jeremy T. Bradley
13 years 4 months ago
Combinatorics of labelling in higher-dimensional automata
The main idea for interpreting concurrent processes as labelled precubical sets is that a given set of n actions running concurrently must be assembled to a labelled ncube, in exac...
Philippe Gaucher
13 years 4 months ago
An exact correspondence between a typed pi-calculus and polarised proof-nets
This paper presents an exact correspondence in typing and dynamics between polarised linear logic and a typed -calculus based on IO-typing. The respective incremental constraints,...
Kohei Honda, Olivier Laurent
13 years 4 months ago
Non-confluence in divisionless P systems with active membranes
We describe a solution to the SAT problem via non-confluent P systems with active membranes, without using membrane division rules. Furthermore, we provide an algorithm for simula...
Antonio E. Porreca, Giancarlo Mauri, Claudio Zandr...
13 years 4 months ago
On the complexity of finding chordless paths in bipartite graphs and some interval operators in graphs and hypergraphs
In this paper we show that the problem of finding a chordless path between a vertex s and a vertex t containing a vertex v remains NP-complete in bipartite graphs, thereby strengt...
Mauro Mezzini
13 years 4 months ago
Bounds on the efficiency of black-box commitment schemes
Constructions of cryptographic primitives based on general assumptions (e.g., one-way functions) tend to be less efficient than constructions based on specific (e.g., number-theor...
Omer Horvitz, Jonathan Katz
13 years 4 months ago
Factorization forests for infinite words and applications to countable scattered linear orderings
The theorem of factorization forests of Imre Simon shows the existence of nested factorizations -- `a la Ramsey -- for finite words. This theorem has important applications in sem...
Thomas Colcombet
13 years 4 months ago
Maximizing the minimum load for selfish agents
We consider the problem of maximizing the minimum load for machines that are controlled by selfish agents, who are only interested in maximizing their own profit. Unlike the class...
Leah Epstein, Rob van Stee