
13 years 10 months ago
Problem formulation as the reduction of a decision model
In this paper, we extend the QMR-DT probabilistic model for the domain of internal medicine to include decisions about treatments. In addition, we describe how we can use the comp...
David Heckerman, Eric Horvitz
13 years 10 months ago
separable and transitive graphoids
We examine the notion of "unrelatedness" in a probabilistic framework. Three formulations are presented. In the first formulation, two variables a and b are totally inde...
Dan Geiger, David Heckerman
13 years 10 months ago
Ideal reformulation of belief networks
The intelligent reformulation or restructuring of a belief network can greatly increase the efficiency of inference. However, time expended for reformulation is not available for ...
Jack S. Breese, Eric Horvitz
13 years 10 months ago
Can Uncertainty Management be Realized in a Finite Totally Ordered Probability Algebra?
In this paper, the feasibility of using finite totally ordered probability models under Aleliunas’s Theory of Probabilistic Logic [Aleliunas, 1988] is investigated. The general...
Yang Xiang, Michael P. Beddoes, David Poole
13 years 10 months ago
Critical Remarks on Single Link Search in Learning Belief Networks
In learning belief networks, the single link lookahead search is widely adopted to reduce the search space. We show that there exists a class of probabilistic domain models which ...
Yang Xiang, S. K. Michael Wong, Nick Cercone
13 years 10 months ago
Binary Join Trees
The main goal of this paper is to describe a data structure called binary join trees that are useful in computing multiple marginals efficiently using the Shenoy-Shafer architectu...
Prakash P. Shenoy
13 years 10 months ago
A Measure of Decision Flexibility
We propose a decision-analytical approach to comparing the flexibility of decision situations from the perspective of a decisionmaker who exhibits constant risk-aversion over a mo...
Ross D. Shachter, Marvin Mandelbaum