
13 years 3 months ago
Social Acceptance of Negotiation Support Systems
We investigate people’s attitudes towards the possible use of mobile negotiation support systems (NSS) in different social contexts and the consequences for their design. For tha...
Alina Pommeranz, Pascal Wiggers, Willem-Paul Brink...
13 years 3 months ago
Exploring the Possibilities of Body Motion Data for Human Computer Interaction Research
Abstract. The ability to move is an important characteristic of the human condition and an important aspect for interactive settings. The role of body movement however was not addr...
Johann Schrammel, Lucas Paletta, Manfred Tscheligi
13 years 3 months ago
An Experimental Investigation of the Akamai Adaptive Video Streaming
Akamai oers the largest Content Delivery Network (CDN) service in the world. Building upon its CDN, it recently started to offer High Denition (HD) video distribution using HTTP-...
Luca De Cicco, Saverio Mascolo
13 years 3 months ago
"Same Same but Different" How Service Contexts of Mobile Technologies Shape Usage Motives and Barriers
As wireless technologies evolve, mobile technologies and services will increasingly affect our lives, accompanied by positive and negative effects. This development requires a high...
Katrin Arning, Sylvia Gaul, Martina Ziefle
13 years 3 months ago
Scene Segmentation in Artistic Archive Documentaries
Abstract. Scene segmentation is a crucial task in the structural analysis of film. State-of-the-art scene segmentation algorithms usually target fiction films (e.g. Hollywood ...
Dalibor Mitrovic, Stefan Hartlieb, Matthias Zeppel...