
8 years 17 days ago
Modal Operators on Compact Regular Frames and de Vries Algebras
In [7] we introduced the category MKHaus of modal compact Hausdorff spaces, and showed these were concrete realizations of coalgebras for the Vietoris functor on compact Hausdor...
Guram Bezhanishvili, Nick Bezhanishvili, John Hard...
8 years 17 days ago
Monads of Regular Theories
We characterize the category of monads on Set and the category of Lawvere theories that are equivalent to the category of regular equational theories.
Stanislaw Szawiel, Marek W. Zawadowski
8 years 17 days ago
Unifying Exact Completions
We define the notion of exact completion with respect to an existential elementary doctrine. We observe that the forgetful functor from the 2category of exact categories to exist...
Maria Emilia Maietti, Giuseppe Rosolini
8 years 17 days ago
Exponential Kleisli Monoids as Eilenberg-Moore Algebras
Lax monoidal powerset-enriched monads yield a monoidal structure on the category of monoids in the Kleisli category of a monad. Exponentiable objects in this category are identi...
Dirk Hofmann, Frédéric Mynard, Gavin...
8 years 17 days ago
Association Schemoids and Their Categories
We propose the notion of association schemoids generalizing that of association schemes from small categorical points of view. In particular, a generalization of the Bose-Mesner al...
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi, Kentaro Matsuo
8 years 17 days ago
Normalizers and Split Extensions
We make explicit a larger structural phenomenon hidden behind the existence of normalizers in terms of existence of certain cartesian maps related to the kernel functor.
Dominique Bourn, James Richard Andrew Gray
8 years 17 days ago
Homological Localisation of Model Categories
One of the most useful methods for studying the stable homotopy category is localising at some spectrum E. For an arbitrary stable model category we introduce a candidate for the E...
David Barnes, Constanze Roitzheim
8 years 17 days ago
More on Subfitness and Fitness
: The concepts of fitness and subfitness (as defined in Isbell [9]) are useful separation properties in point-free topology. The categorical behaviour of subfitness is bad and ...
Jorge Picado, Ales Pultr