XQuery is a powerful and convenient language that is designed for querying the data in XML documents. In this paper, we address how to optimally query encrypted XML documents usin...
XQuery is the emerging standard for querying XML data sources. XLive is a light XML/XQuery mediator developed at University of Versailles whose engine processes an XML algebra der...
Tuyet-Tram Dang-Ngoc, Georges Gardarin, Nicolas Tr...
Multistructured documents are documents whose structure is composed of a set of concurrent hierarchical structures. In this paper, we propose a new model of multistructured docume...
The trend towards outsourcing increases the number of documents stored at external service providers. This storage model, however, raises privacy and security concerns because the...
Since the birth of XML, the processing of XML query languages like XQuery/XQueryP has been widely researched in the academic and industrial communities. Most of the approaches con...