We consider the problem of revenue-optimal dynamic mechanism design in settings where agents' types evolve over time as a function of their (both public and private) experien...
In the classic multi-armed bandits problem, the goal is to have a policy for dynamically operating arms that each yield stochastic rewards with unknown means. The key metric of int...
We consider the restless multi-armed bandit (RMAB) problem with unknown dynamics. In this problem, at each time, a player chooses K out of N (N > K) arms to play. The state of ...
In the classic Bayesian restless multi-armed bandit (RMAB) problem, there are N arms, with rewards on all arms evolving at each time as Markov chains with known parameters. A play...
Wenhan Dai, Yi Gai, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Qing Z...
Adaptive Operator Selection (AOS) turns the impacts of the applications of variation operators into Operator Selection through a Credit Assignment mechanism. However, most Credit ...