Abstract. Switching linear dynamic systems (SLDS) attempt to describe a complex nonlinear dynamic system with a succession of linear models indexed by a switching variable. Unfortu...
Design and development of novel human-computer interfaces poses a challenging problem: actions and intentions of users have to be inferred from sequences of noisy and ambiguous mu...
Vladimir Pavlovic, James M. Rehg, Ashutosh Garg, T...
Abstract. This paper presents a surveillance system for tracking multiple people through a wide area with sparsely distributed cameras. The computational core of the system is an a...
Wojciech Zajdel, Ali Taylan Cemgil, Ben J. A. Kr&o...
— Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) provide a systematic framework for robust online monitoring of dynamic systems. This paper presents an approach for increasing the efficiency ...
Indranil Roychoudhury, Gautam Biswas, Xenofon D. K...
Recursive loops in a logic program present a challenging problem to the PLP framework. On the one hand, they loop forever so that the PLP backward-chaining inferences would never s...