Many machines used in the modern hospital settings offer real time physiological monitoring. Haemodialysis machines combine a therapeutic treatment system integrated with sophistic...
Derek H. Sleeman, Nick Fluck, Elias Gyftodimos, La...
There is a growing concern about the increasing vulnerability of future computing systems to errors in the underlying hardware. Traditional redundancy techniques are expensive for...
Larkhoon Leem, Hyungmin Cho, Jason Bau, Quinn A. J...
Code synthesis is routinely used in industry to generate GUIs, form lling applications, and database support code and is even used with COBOL. In this paper we consider the questi...
Wray L. Buntine, Bernd Fischer 0002, Thomas Pressb...
The recent explosion of on-line information in Digital Libraries and on the World Wide Web has given rise to a number of query-based search engines and manually constructed topica...
Mehran Sahami, Salim Yusufali, Michelle Q. Wang Ba...
Background: As numerous diseases involve errors in signal transduction, modern therapeutics often target proteins involved in cellular signaling. Interpretation of the activity of...