Background: Small molecules are of increasing interest for bioinformatics in areas such as metabolomics and drug discovery. The recent release of large open access chemistry datab...
Thomas Kuhn, Egon L. Willighagen, Achim Zielesny, ...
Abstract. A very common approach in chemistry and biology is to observe the progress of an experiment, and take the result of this observation as the final output. Inspired by thi...
Operations Research is probably one of the most successful fields of applied mathematics used in Economics, Physics, Chemistry, almost everywhere onehastoanalyzehugeamountsofdata.L...
In the universal DNA chip method, target RNAs are mapped onto a set of DNA tags. Parallel hybridization of these tags with an indexed, complementary antitag array then provides an ...
John A. Rose, Russell J. Deaton, Masami Hagiya, Ak...
— Recent advances in molecular biology have led to a continued growth in the biological information generated by the scientific community. Additionally, this area has become a m...