This paper presents new approach to power system automation, based on distributed intelligence rather than traditional centralised control. The paper investigates the interplay bet...
Neil Higgins, Valeriy Vyatkin, Nirmal-Kumar C. Nai...
This paper discusses systematic approaches to the design of distributed controllers in industrial automation systems. Several design approaches are compared that lead to the distr...
Valeriy Vyatkin, Martin Hirsch 0002, Hans-Michael ...
Airport Baggage Handling is a field of automation systems that is currently dependent on centralised control systems and conventional automation programming techniques. In this and...
—The International Electro-technical Commission through the 61499 standard establishes the basic infrastructure towards an open market in the control and automation domain. This ...
This paper describes formal modeling and verification of automation systems from the system engineering point of view. Reuse of model components is the key issue in order to bring...