The analysis of alignments of functionally equivalent proteins can reveal regularities such as correlated positions or residue patterns which are important to ensure a specific f...
Daniel A. Keim, Daniela Oelke, Royal Truman, Klaus...
Background: Alternative representations of biochemical networks emphasise different aspects of the data and contribute to the understanding of complex biological systems. In this ...
Brian J. Holden, John W. Pinney, Simon C. Lovell, ...
Background: Chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with DNA microarrays (ChIP-chip) is an assay used for investigating DNA-protein-binding or post-translational chromatin/histone ...
Background: Protein-amide proton hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDX) is used to investigate protein conformation, conformational changes and surface binding sites for other molecule...
Pornpat Nikamanon, Elroy Pun, Wayne Chou, Marek D....
Background: Marine ecological genomics can be defined as the application of genomic sciences to understand the structure and function of marine ecosystems. In this field of resear...