The ratio of two probability densities can be used for solving various machine learning tasks such as covariate shift adaptation (importance sampling), outlier detection (likeliho...
Abstract. Outlier detection has recently become an important problem in many industrial and financial applications. In this paper, a novel unsupervised algorithm for outlier detec...
Longin Jan Latecki, Aleksandar Lazarevic, Dragolju...
The importance estimation problem (estimating the ratio of two probability density functions) has recently gathered a great deal of attention for use in various applications, e.g....
Background: The size and magnitude of the metabolome, the ratio between individual metabolites and the response of metabolic networks is controlled by multiple cellular factors. A...
Frank Kose, Jan Budczies, Matthias Holschneider, O...
Abstract. Accurately evaluating statistical independence among random variables is a key component of Independent Component Analysis (ICA). In this paper, we employ a squared-loss ...