on Abstraction: a Lightweight Approach to Modelling Concurrency. Javier de Dios and Ricardo Peña Certified Implementation on top of the Java Virtual Machine 19:00 Social dinner + ...
The paper introduces Network-on-Chip (NoC) design methodology and low cost mechanisms for supporting efficient cache access and cache coherency in future high-performance Chip Mul...
Evgeny Bolotin, Zvika Guz, Israel Cidon, Ran Ginos...
: An der Berufsbildenden Schule für Gewerbe und Technik in Trier werden Anwendungsentwickler an konkreten Projekten ausgebildet. In einer Lernortkooperation werden reale Aufgabens...
Artificial intelligence in games is typically used for creating player's opponents. Manual edition of intelligent behaviors for Non-Player Characters (NPCs) of games is a cum...
An infrastructure for remote instrument access, data acquisition and data management is being developed for e-Research. The Common Instrument Middleware Architecture (CIMA) is bei...
Ian M. Atkinson, Douglas du Boulay, Clinton Chee, ...