Vmgen automates many of the tasks of writing the virtual machine part of an interpreter, resulting in less coding, debugging and maintenance e ort. This paper gives some quantitati...
This paper presents FC networks that are instantaneously trained neural networks that allow rapid learning of non-binary data. These networks, which generalize the earlier CC netw...
The purpose of this paper is to present four basic methods for ional separate modular static analysis of programs by abstract interpretation: simpli cation-based separate analysis;...
Monitoring is a widely-used technique to check assumptions about the real-time behavior of a system, debug the code, or enforce the system to react if certain deadlines are passed...
Daniel Mahrenholz, Olaf Spinczyk, Wolfgang Schr&ou...
We show that for several natural classes of "structured" matrices, including symmetric, circulant, Hankel and Toeplitz matrices, approximating the permanent modulo a prim...