

Authentication of MPEG-4-based surveillance video

14 years 11 months ago
Authentication of MPEG-4-based surveillance video
The industry is currently starting to use MPEG-4 compressed digital video for surveillance applications. The transition from analog to digital video raises difficulties for using surveillance video in court. Since it is fairly easy to make hard-to-detect modifications to the video stream captured by the cameras, e.g. mask out a specific event or person, a system for proving authenticity and integrity of video streams is needed. This paper presents such a system based on digital signatures embedded in the video stream. Our concept provides a means for proving authenticity and integrity of MPEG-4 digital video streams, while leaving compatibility with standard media players untouched.
Michael Pramateftakis, Tobias Oelbaum, Klaus Diepo
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 24 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICIP
Authors Michael Pramateftakis, Tobias Oelbaum, Klaus Diepold
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