
42 search results - page 2 / 9
» Domain Identification by Clustering Sequence Alignments
147views Bioinformatics» more  BIBE 2007»
14 years 19 days ago
A New Alignment-Independent Algorithm for Clustering Protein Sequences
—The rapid burgeoning of available protein data makes the use of clustering within families of proteins increasingly important, the challenge is to identify subfamilies of evolut...
Abdellali Kelil, Shengrui Wang, Ryszard Brzezinski
175views more  BMCBI 2007»
13 years 6 months ago
CLUSS: Clustering of protein sequences based on a new similarity measure
Background: The rapid burgeoning of available protein data makes the use of clustering within families of proteins increasingly important. The challenge is to identify subfamilies...
Abdellali Kelil, Shengrui Wang, Ryszard Brzezinski...
164views more  NAR 2006»
13 years 6 months ago
FISH - family identification of sequence homologues using structure anchored hidden Markov models
The FISH server is highly accurate in identifying the family membership of domains in a query protein sequence, even in the case of very low sequence identities to known homologue...
Jeanette Tångrot, Lixiao Wang, Bo Kågs...
159views more  BMCBI 2006»
13 years 6 months ago
EVEREST: automatic identification and classification of protein domains in all protein sequences
Background: Proteins are comprised of one or several building blocks, known as domains. Such domains can be classified into families according to their evolutionary origin. Wherea...
Elon Portugaly, Amir Harel, Nathan Linial, Michal ...
124views more  BMCBI 2008»
13 years 6 months ago
Alignment of protein structures in the presence of domain motions
Background: Structural alignment is an important step in protein comparison. Well-established methods exist for solving this problem under the assumption that the structures under...
Roberto Mosca, Barbara Brannetti, Thomas R. Schnei...