We present a framework for designing fast and monotonic algorithms for transmission tomography penalizedlikelihood image reconstruction. The new algorithms are based on paraboloid...
Conventional low frame rate cameras result in blur and/or aliasing in images while capturing fast dynamic events. Multiple low speed cameras have been used previously with stagger...
Amit Agrawal, Mohit Gupta, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Sr...
Let S be a set of n points moving on the real line. The kinetic sorting problem is to maintain a data structure on the set S that makes it possible to quickly generate a sorted li...
We describe a sensor network based on smart requirements of the network. This will provide a new approach imager sensors able to extract events of interest from a scene. for compos...
This paper is devoted to explore media correlation and media synchronization in a composite multimedia document, the so-called navigated hypermedia document in our language learni...