Performance and power consumption of an on-chip interconnect that forms the backbone of Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs), are directly influenced by the underlying network topology. Bo...
Reetuparna Das, Soumya Eachempati, Asit K. Mishra,...
Lustre is a parallel file system that presents high aggregated IO bandwidth by striping file extents across many storage devices. However, our experiments indicate excessively wid...
Weikuan Yu, Jeffrey S. Vetter, Shane Canon, Song J...
The Virtual Interface (VI) Architecture provides protected userlevel communication with high delivered bandwidth and low permessage latency, particularly for small messages. The V...
Grid computing can be characterized as a distributed infrastructure that is a collection of computing resources within or across locations that are aggregated to act as a unified ...
Marinho P. Barcellos, Maziar Nekovee, M. Koyabe, M...