This paper presents a fully automated segmentation method for medical images. The goal is to localize and parameterize a variety of types of structure in these images for subsequen...
Today biometric techniques are based either on passive (e.g. IrisScan, Face) or active methods (e.g. voice and handwriting). In our work we focus on evaluation of the latter. These...
Franziska Wolf, T. K. Basu, Pranab K. Dutta, Claus...
The main goal to be answered by this Ph.D. thesis is whether there is a potential for a successful and powerful application of agile methods and related techniques to embedded syst...
The traditional, well established approach to finding out what works in education research is to run a randomized controlled trial (RCT) using a standard pretest and posttest desig...
Zachary A. Pardos, Matthew D. Dailey, Neil T. Heff...
— Our long-term objective is to develop robots that engage in natural language-mediated cooperative tasks with humans. To support this goal, we are developing an amodal represent...