Detection of objects is in general a computationally demanding task. To simplify the problem it is of interest to utilize contextual information and perform a staggered recognitio...
One of the main challenges in image segmentation is to adapt prior knowledge about the objects/regions that are likely to be present in an image, in order to obtain more precise d...
Background Subtraction is a widely used approach to detect moving objects from static cameras. Many different methods have been proposed over the recent years and can be classifi...
One challenge when tracking objects is to adapt the object representation depending on the scene context to account for changes in illumination, coloring, scaling, etc. Here, we p...
Ali Borji, Simone Frintrop, Dicky N. Sihite, Laure...
Abstract. We introduce a shape detection framework called Contour Context Selection for detecting objects in cluttered images using only one exemplar. Shape based detection is inva...