
85views more  CN 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Delay bounds for a network of guaranteed rate servers with FIFO aggregation
To support quality of service guarantees in a scalable manner, aggregate scheduling has attracted a lot of attention in the networking community. However, while there are a large ...
Yuming Jiang
109views more  CN 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
A network infrastructure for IP mobility support in metropolitan areas
The original design of the Internet and its underlying protocols did not anticipate users to be mobile. With the growing interest in supporting mobile users and mobile computing, ...
Cristina Hristea, Fouad A. Tobagi
102views more  CN 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
On the impact of soft handoff in cellular systems
We present a model for soft handoff in wireless cellular networks. In such networks, due to overlapping cells, handoffs are not instantaneous and multiple channels may be occupied...
Nidhi Hegde, Khosrow Sohraby
89views more  CN 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Engineering a multiservice IP backbone to support tight SLAs
This paper describes technologies that enable IP service providers to offer tighter service level agreements for IP performance, in order to create competitive advantage and bette...
Clarence Filsfils, John Evans
78views more  CN 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
On the autocorrelation structure of TCP traffic
The statistical characteristics of network traffic - in particular the observation that it can exhibit long range dependence - have received considerable attention from the resear...
Daniel R. Figueiredo, Benyuan Liu, Vishal Misra, D...
77views more  CN 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
MATE: multipath adaptive traffic engineering
Destination-based forwarding in traditional IP routers has not been able to take full advantage of multiple paths that frequently exist in Internet Service Provider Networks. As a...
Anwar Elwalid, Cheng Jin, Steven H. Low, Indra Wid...
102views more  CN 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Formal methods for communication services: meeting the industry expectations
We survey formal methods as they are applied to the development of communication services. We report on industrial and academic projects, consider di erent communication architect...
Falk Dietrich, Jean-Pierre Hubaux
82views more  CN 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Optimal allocation of electronic content
Abstract-The delivery of large files to single users, such as application programs for some versions of the envisioned network computer, or movies, is expected by many to be one of...
Israel Cidon, Shay Kutten, Ran Soffer
74views more  CN 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Dynamic buffer management scheme based on rate estimation in packet-switched networks
Abstract-- While traffic volume of real-time applications is rapidly increasing, current routers do not guarantee minimum QoS values of fairness and they drop packets in random fas...
Jeong-woo Cho, Dong-Ho Cho