
116views more  JUCS 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Extension of CQL over Dynamic Databases
: CQL, Continuous Query Language is suitable for data stream queries. Sometimes it is better if the queries operate on relational databases and data streams simultaneously. The exe...
Antal Buza
147views more  JIIS 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Mining sequential patterns from data streams: a centroid approach
In recent years, emerging applications introduced new constraints for data mining methods. These constraints are typical of a new kind of data: the data streams. In data stream pro...
Alice Marascu, Florent Masseglia
150views more  KAIS 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
A survey on algorithms for mining frequent itemsets over data streams
The increasing prominence of data streams arising in a wide range of advanced applications such as fraud detection and trend learning has led to the study of online mining of freq...
James Cheng, Yiping Ke, Wilfred Ng
111views more  JCP 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Mining Developing Trends of Dynamic Spatiotemporal Data Streams
This paper1 presents an efficient modeling technique for data streams in a dynamic spatiotemporal environment and its suitability for mining developing trends. The streaming data a...
Yu Meng, Margaret H. Dunham
13 years 9 months ago
Towards service-oriented continuous queries in pervasive systems
Pervasive information systems give an overview of what digital environments should look like in the future. From a data-centric point of view, traditional databases have to be used...
Yann Gripay, Frédérique Laforest, Je...
13 years 9 months ago
Analysis of cyberactivism: A case study of online free Tibet activities
In this paper, we study the problem of anomaly detection in high-dimensional network streams. We have developed a new technique, called Stream Projected Ouliter deTector (SPOT), t...
Tianjun Fu, Hsinchun Chen
196views more  INFORMATICALT 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
An Efficient and Sensitive Decision Tree Approach to Mining Concept-Drifting Data Streams
Abstract. Data stream mining has become a novel research topic of growing interest in knowledge discovery. Most proposed algorithms for data stream mining assume that each data blo...
Cheng-Jung Tsai, Chien-I Lee, Wei-Pang Yang
175views more  INFFUS 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
Adaptive optimization of join trees for multi-join queries over sensor streams
Data processing applications for sensor streams have to deal with multiple continuous data streams with inputs arriving at highly variable and unpredictable rates from various sour...
Joseph S. Gomes, Hyeong-Ah Choi
75views more  IJNSEC 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
A Key Management Scheme for Hierarchical Access Control in Group Communication
In group communication, users often have different access rights to multiple data streams. Based on the access relation of users and data streams, users can form partially ordered...
Qiong Zhang, Yuke Wang, Jason P. Jue
125views more  DKE 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Online clustering of parallel data streams
In recent years, the management and processing of so-called data streams has become a topic of active research in several fields of computer science such as, e.g., distributed sys...
Jürgen Beringer, Eyke Hüllermeier