
ACL Anthology
13 years 10 months ago
Dialog Control in a Natural Language System
In this paper a method for controlling the dialog in a natural language (NL) system is presented. It provides a deep modeling of information processing based on time dependent pro...
Michael Gerlach, Helmut Horacek
13 years 10 months ago
Learning to Disambiguate Relative Pronouns
In this paper we show how a natural language system can learn to find the antecedents of relative pronouns. We use a well-known conceptual clustering system to create a case-based...
Claire Cardie
13 years 10 months ago
The Lexical Semantics of Comparative Expressions in a Multi-Level Semantic Processor
Comparative expressions (CEs) such as "bigger than" and "more oranges than" are highly ambiguous, and their meaning is context dependent. Thus, they pose probl...
Duane E. Olawsky
13 years 10 months ago
Reversible delayed lexical choice in a bidirectional framework
We describe a bidirectional framework for natural language parsing and generation, using a typedfeatureformalismand an HPSG-based grammar with a parser and generator derived from ...
Graham Wilcock, Yuji Matsumoto
13 years 10 months ago
Distributedness and Non-Linearity of LOLITA's Semantic Network
'Phis paper describes SemNet the internal Knowledge t{epresentation lbr LOLI'I'A I. LOMTA is a large scale Natural Language Engineering (NLE) system. As such the in...
S. Short, Simon Shiu, Roberto Garigliano
13 years 10 months ago
Learning to Recognize Names Across Languages
The development of natural language proccssing (NLP) systems that perform machine translation (MT) and information retrieval (IR) has highlighted the need for the automatic recogn...
Anthony F. Gallippi
13 years 10 months ago
KASSYS: A Definition Acquisition System In Natural Language
: This paper is an introdnction to KASSYS, a system that has been designed to extract information from detining statements in natural language. Only hyperonymous detinitions are de...
Patrice Hernert
13 years 10 months ago
A Tool For Collecting Domain Dependent Sortal Constraints From Corpora
CT In this paper, we describe a tool designed to generate semi-automatically the sortal constraints specific to a domain to be used in a natural language (NL) understanding system....
François Andry, Jean Mark Gawron, John Dowd...
ACL Anthology
13 years 10 months ago
A Strategy for Dynamic Interpretation: a Fragment and an Implementation
The strategy for natural language interpretation presented in this paper implements the dynamics of context change by translating natural language texts into a meaning representat...
Olivier Bouchez, Jan van Eijck, Olivier Istace
105views more  ANLP 1994»
13 years 10 months ago
The Delphi Natural Language Understanding System
This paper presents Delphi, the natural language component of the BBN Spoken Language System. Delphi is a domainindependent natural language question answering system that is soli...
Madeleine Bates, Robert J. Bobrow, Robert Ingria, ...