
Lecture Notes

Database-Management Principles And Applications

15 years 7 months ago
Database-Management Principles And Applications
The Lecture notes covers database architecture, design, administration, and implementation. Evaluation and use of database-management systems for computers, with emphasis on microcomputer-based systems.
R. E. Wyllys
Added 17 Feb 2009
Updated 17 Feb 2009
Year 2004
Authors R. E. Wyllys
Assignments for Studying the Cassel and Palmer Text
  1.  Course Description (for a typical long semester)
  2. Course Schedule (for a typical long semester)
  3. Introduction to Database Integrity Concepts
  4. Introduction to Table Concepts
  5. Key Concepts
  6. Lecture Materials for LIS 384K.11
  7.     Meetings 1 and 2: Introduction to Database Concepts*. See also "Introduction to Table Concepts" above. 
  8. Meeting 3: Tables and Their Components*. See also "Introduction to Database-Integrity Concepts" and "Key Concepts" above, and "Variable-Length Record Structures" below.
  9.     Meeting 4: See "Relational-Algebraic Operations on Database Tables" below.
  10.     Meeting 5: Structured Query Language (SQL)*. See also "Notes on SQL (Structured Query Language)" below.
  11.     Meeting 6: Basic Concepts of Entity-Relationship Analysis*
  12.     Meeting 7: See "Overview of Normalization" below.
  13.     Meetings 8 and 9: See "Steps in Normalization" below.
  14.     Meetings 10 and 11: How to Design and Develop a Database Application*. See also Don Drumtra's presentation on How to Learn from a Failed Database Design Effort*.
  15.     Meetings 12 and 13: Transaction Analysis and Management, & Concurrency Control*.
  16.     Meeting 14: Designing Distributed Databases (DDBs)*.
  17. Notes on SQL (Structured Query Language)
  18. Overview of Normalization
  19. Relational-Algebraic Operations on Database Tables
  20. Steps in Normalization
  21. Supplemental Information for LIS 384K.11
  22. Variable-Length Record Structures 
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