
31 search results - page 3 / 7
» Computational prediction of human proteins that can be secre...
13 years 24 days ago
Classification of viral zoonosis through receptor pattern analysis
Background: Viral zoonosis, the transmission of a virus from its primary vertebrate reservoir species to humans, requires ubiquitous cellular proteins known as receptor proteins. ...
Se-Eun Bae, Hyeon Seok Son
13 years 24 days ago
Integrative network alignment reveals large regions of global network similarity in yeast and human
Motivation: High-throughput methods for detecting molecular interactions have produced large sets of biological network data with much more yet to come. Analogous to sequence alig...
Oleksii Kuchaiev, Natasa Przulj
12 years 9 months ago
In-silico prediction of disorder content using hybrid sequence representation
Background: Intrinsically disordered proteins play important roles in various cellular activities and their prevalence was implicated in a number of human diseases. The knowledge ...
Marcin J. Mizianty, Tuo Zhang, Bin Xue, Yaoqi Zhou...
166views Bioinformatics» more  APBC 2004»
13 years 7 months ago
THEMATICS is Effective for Active Site Prediction in Comparative Model Structures
THEMATICS (Theoretical Microscopic Titration Curves) is a simple, reliable computational predictor of the active sites of enzymes from structure. Our method, based on well-establi...
Ihsan A. Shehadi, Alper Uzun, Leonel F. Murga, Val...
140views more  BMCBI 2004»
13 years 5 months ago
What can we learn from noncoding regions of similarity between genomes?
Background: In addition to known protein-coding genes, large amounts of apparently non-coding sequence are conserved between the human and mouse genomes. It seems reasonable to as...
Thomas A. Down, Tim J. P. Hubbard