
215views Multimedia» more  MM 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Sirio, orione and pan: an integrated web system for ontology-based video search and annotation
In this technical demonstration we show an integrated web system for video search and annotation based on ontologies. The system is composed by three components: the Orione1 ontol...
Marco Bertini, Gianpaolo D'Amico, Andrea Ferracani...
13 years 10 months ago
Syntactic Annotation for the Spoken Dutch Corpus Project (CGN)
Of the ten million words of contemporary standard Dutch in the Spoken Dutch Corpus (Corpus Gesproken Nederlands, CGN), a selection of one million words of natural spoken language ...
Heleen Hoekstra, Michael Moortgat, Ineke Schuurman...
13 years 10 months ago
WordFreak: An Open Tool for Linguistic Annotation
WordFreak is a natural language annotation tool that has been designed to be easy to extend to new domains and tasks. Specifically, a plug-in architecture has been developed whic...
Thomas S. Morton, Jeremy LaCivita
13 years 10 months ago
Annotation semi-automatique de grandes BD images : Approche par graphes de voisinage
The annotation of images data is the main tool for associating semantics to an image. In this article we are interested in the semi-automatic annotation of images data. Indeed, wit...
Hakim Hacid
13 years 10 months ago
On Information Organization in Annotation Systems
A rich semantic model of annotation is presented that distinguishes several annotation types, uses controlled vocabulary where appropriate, and supports multi-facetted characteriza...
Panos Constantopoulos, Martin Doerr, Maria Theodor...
13 years 10 months ago
Multi-Level Active Prediction of Useful Image Annotations for Recognition
We introduce a framework for actively learning visual categories from a mixture of weakly and strongly labeled image examples. We propose to allow the categorylearner to strategic...
Sudheendra Vijayanarasimhan, Kristen Grauman
117views Education» more  LREC 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
Chooser: a Multi-Task Annotation Tool
The paper presents a tool assisting manual annotation of linguistic data developed at the Department of Computational linguistics, IBL-BAS. Chooser is a general-purpose modular ap...
Svetla Koeva, Borislav Rizov, Svetlozara Leseva
111views Education» more  LREC 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
Annotation of Information Structure: an Evaluation across different Types of Texts
We report on the evaluation of information structural annotation according to the Linguistic Information Structure Annotation Guidelines (LISA, (Dipper et al., 2007)). The annotat...
Julia Ritz, Stefanie Dipper, Michael Götze
103views Education» more  LREC 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
Annotation of WordNet Verbs with TimeML Event Classes
This paper reports on the annotation of all English verbs included in WordNet 2.0 with TimeML event classes. Two annotators assign each verb present in WordNet the most relevant e...
Georgiana Puscasu, Verginica Barbu Mititelu
119views Education» more  LREC 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
Assessing the Costs of Machine-Assisted Corpus Annotation through a User Study
Fixed, limited budgets often constrain the amount of expert annotation that can go into the construction of annotated corpora. Estimating the cost of annotation is the first step ...
Eric K. Ringger, Marc Carmen, Robbie Haertel, Kevi...