

The ACQUILEX LKB: representation issues in semi-automatic acquisition of large lexicons

14 years 2 months ago
The ACQUILEX LKB: representation issues in semi-automatic acquisition of large lexicons
We describe the lexical knowledge base system (LKB) which has been designed and implemented as part of the ACQUILEX project1 to allow the representation of multilinguM syntactic and semantic information extracted from machine readable dictionaries (MRDs), in such a way that it is usable by natural language processing (NLP) systems. The LKB's lexical representation language (LRL) augments typed graph-based unification with default inheritance, formalised in terms of default unification of feature structures. We evaluate how well the LRL meets the practical requirements arising from the semi-automatic construction of a large scale, multilingual lexicon. The system as described is fully implemented and is being used to represent substantial amounts of information automatically extracted from MRDs.
Ann A. Copestake
Added 06 Nov 2010
Updated 06 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where ANLP
Authors Ann A. Copestake
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