

Active audition using the parameter-less self-organising map

14 years 1 months ago
Active audition using the parameter-less self-organising map
This paper presents a novel method for enabling a robot to determine the position of a sound source in three dimensions using just two microphones and interaction with its environment. The method uses the Parameter-Less SelfOrganising Map (PLSOM) algorithm and Reinforcement Learning (RL) to achieve rapid, accurate response. We also introduce a method for directional filtering using the PLSOM. The presented system is compared to a similar system to evaluate its performance. Keywords Active audition
Erik Berglund, Joaquin Sitte, Gordon Wyeth
Added 24 Dec 2010
Updated 24 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Erik Berglund, Joaquin Sitte, Gordon Wyeth
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