

Adapting Single-User Visualization Software for Collaborative Use

14 years 5 months ago
Adapting Single-User Visualization Software for Collaborative Use
This paper presents our experiences with adapting single-user visualization software for web-based collaboration. Sun’s Java JXTA API was used to adapt an opensource molecular visualization program called Jmol. It was found that by focusing on the program’s graphical user interface the software could be quickly transformed into a peer-to-peer application. Our positive experience implies that many useful single-user programs should be transformable into tools that make collaboration across the web easier to initiate, more spontaneous, and supported by a wide range of visualization software.
Francis T. Marchese, Jude Mercado, Yi Pan
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where IV
Authors Francis T. Marchese, Jude Mercado, Yi Pan
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