

Adaptive Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Adaptively Secure Oblivious Transfer

15 years 14 days ago
Adaptive Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Adaptively Secure Oblivious Transfer
In the setting of secure computation, a set of parties wish to securely compute some function of their inputs, in the presence of an adversary. The adversary in question may be static (meaning that it controls a predetermined subset of the parties) or adaptive (meaning that it can choose to corrupt parties during the protocol execution and based on what it sees). In this paper, we study two fundamental questions relating to the basic zero-knowledge and oblivious transfer protocol problems: ? Adaptive zero-knowledge proofs: We ask whether it is possible to construct adaptive zeroknowledge proofs (with unconditional soundness). Beaver (STOC 1996) showed that known zero-knowledge proofs are not adaptively secure, and in addition showed how to construct zero-knowledge arguments (with computational soundness). ? Adaptively secure oblivious transfer: All known protocols for adaptively secure oblivious transfer rely on seemingly stronger hardness assumptions than for the case of static adver...
Yehuda Lindell, Hila Zarosim
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where TCC
Authors Yehuda Lindell, Hila Zarosim
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