

Analysis of Echoes in Single-Image Random-Dot-Stereograms

14 years 1 months ago
Analysis of Echoes in Single-Image Random-Dot-Stereograms
Three-dimensional depth information of a surface can be encoded in a two-dimensional image called single-image random-dotstereograms or, more widely known, autostereograms. It is achieved by using the correlations of pixels in the horizontal direction. Using the correspondences between pixels in human brains or computer algorithms, surfaces can be reconstructed from autostereograms. However, in some cases, the reconstructed surfaces are not unique because of "echoes". In the presence of echoes, reconstruction of the original surface from an autostereogram cannot be guaranteed since no cue of the original surface is available in autostereograms. In this paper, the causes of echoes are investigated and conditions for echo-free reconstructions are derived. Based on these conditions, an improved autostereogram generation algorithm is proposed to guarantee echo-free autostereograms. Besides, the surface reconstruction algorithm is modified such that the originally encoded surface...
Mark S. K. Lau, C. P. Kwong
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where JMIV
Authors Mark S. K. Lau, C. P. Kwong
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