

Applying Sensitivity Analysis in Real-Time Distributed Systems

14 years 7 months ago
Applying Sensitivity Analysis in Real-Time Distributed Systems
During real-world design of embedded real-time systems, it cannot be expected that all performance data required for scheduling analysis is fully available up front. In such situations, sensitivity analysis is a promising approach to deal with uncertainties that result from incomplete specifications, early performance estimates, late feature requests, and so on. Sensitivity analysis allows the system designer to keep track of the flexibility of the system, and thus to quickly assess the impact of changes of individual hardware and software components on system performance. In this paper we integrate sensitivity analysis into our system-level performance analysis framework SymTA/S and show its benefits during the design of complex, networked multi-processor embedded real-time systems.
Razvan Racu, Marek Jersak, Rolf Ernst
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where RTAS
Authors Razvan Racu, Marek Jersak, Rolf Ernst
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