

Appropriate Agile Measurement: Using Metrics and Diagnostics to Deliver Business Value

14 years 6 months ago
Appropriate Agile Measurement: Using Metrics and Diagnostics to Deliver Business Value
Agile Software Development continually measures both our product and the process used to create it, to allow improvement. With increased popularity, more risk-averse groups are being drawn to Agile, bringing with them modes of evaluation incompatible with Agile values and principles. These outmoded metrics drive dysfunctional behaviors which threaten the integrity of an emerging Agile culture. This paper collects some of the current thinking on appropriate Agile metrics, and proposes simple tools which organizations or teams may use to develop more congruent ways to measure Agile work.
Deborah Hartmann, Robin Dymond
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Deborah Hartmann, Robin Dymond
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