

Approximation Schemes for Packing Splittable Items with Cardinality Constraints

14 years 7 months ago
Approximation Schemes for Packing Splittable Items with Cardinality Constraints
We continue the study of bin packing with splittable items and cardinality constraints. In this problem, a set of items must be packed into as few bins as possible. Items may be split, but each bin may contain at most k (parts of) items, where k is some fixed constant. Complicating the problem further is the fact that items may be larger than 1, which is the size of a bin. We close this problem by providing a polynomial-time approximation scheme for it. We first present a scheme for the case k = 2 and then for the general case of constant k. Additionally, we present dual approximation schemes for k = 2 and constant k. Thus we show that for any ε > 0, it is possible to pack the items into the optimal number of bins in polynomial time, if the algorithm may use bins of size 1 + ε.
Leah Epstein, Rob van Stee
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WAOA
Authors Leah Epstein, Rob van Stee
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