

An architecture for personal semantic web information retrieval system

14 years 10 months ago
An architecture for personal semantic web information retrieval system
The semantic Web and Web service technologies have provided both new possibilities and challenges to automatic information processing. There are a lot of researches on applying these new technologies into current personal Web information retrieval systems, but no research addresses the semantic issues from the whole life cycle and architecture point of view. Web services provide a new way for accessing Web resources, but until now, they have been managed separately from traditional Web contents resources. In this poster, we propose a conceptual architecture for a personal semantic Web information retrieval system. It incorporates semantic Web, Web services and multi-agent technologies to enable not only precise location of Web resources but also the automatic or semi-automatic integration of hybrid Web contents and Web services. Categories and Subject Descriptions: H.4.0 [Information Systems]: Information Systems Applications D.2.11 [Software Engineering]: Software Architectures Gener...
Haibo Yu, Tsunenori Mine, Makoto Amamiya
Added 22 Nov 2009
Updated 22 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where WWW
Authors Haibo Yu, Tsunenori Mine, Makoto Amamiya
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