

Art-based Rendering of Fur, Grass, and Trees

14 years 5 months ago
Art-based Rendering of Fur, Grass, and Trees
Artists and illustrators can evoke the complexity of fur or vegetation with relatively few well-placed strokes. We present an algorithm that uses strokes to render 3D computer graphics scenes in a stylized manner suggesting the complexity of the scene without representing it explicitly. The basic algorithm is customizable to produce a range of effects including fur, grass and trees, as we demonstrate in this paper and accompanying video. The algorithm is implemented within a broader framework that supports procedural stroke-based textures on polyhedral models. It renders moderately complex scenes at multiple frames per second on current graphics workstations, and provides some interframe coherence. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.3.3: Computer Graphics: Picture/Image Generation; line and curve generation; bitmap and frambuffer operations; I.3.5 Computer Graphics: Computational Geometry and Object Modeling: curve, surface, solid, and object representations; I.3.7: Three-Dimens...
Michael A. Kowalski, Lee Markosian, J. D. Northrup
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Michael A. Kowalski, Lee Markosian, J. D. Northrup, Lubomir D. Bourdev, Ronen Barzel, Loring Holden, John F. Hughes
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