

Birdlets: Subordinate Categorization Using Volumetric Primitives and Pose-Normalized Appearance

12 years 10 months ago
Birdlets: Subordinate Categorization Using Volumetric Primitives and Pose-Normalized Appearance
Subordinate-level categorization typically rests on establishing salient distinctions between part-level characteristics of objects, in contrast to basic-level categorization, where the presence or absence of parts is determinative. We develop an approach for subordinate categorization in vision, focusing on an avian domain due to the fine-grained structure of the category taxonomy for this domain. We explore a pose-normalized appearance model based on a volumetric poselet scheme. The variation in shape and appearance properties of these parts across a taxonomy provides the cues needed for subordinate categorization. Training pose detectors requires a relatively large amount of training data per category when done from scratch; using a subordinate-level approach, we exploit a pose classifier trained at the basic-level, and extract part appearance and shape information to build subordinate-level models. Our model associates the underlying image pattern parameters used for detection w...
Ryan Farrell, Om Oza, Ning Zhang, Vlad I. Morariu,
Added 11 Dec 2011
Updated 11 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where ICCV
Authors Ryan Farrell, Om Oza, Ning Zhang, Vlad I. Morariu, Trevor Darrell, Larry S. Davis
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