

A Block-Based Parallel Adaptive Scheme for Solving the 4D Vlasov Equation

14 years 8 months ago
A Block-Based Parallel Adaptive Scheme for Solving the 4D Vlasov Equation
We present a parallel algorithm for solving the 4D Vlasov equation. Our algorithm is designed for distributed memory architectures. It uses an adaptive numerical method which reduces computational cost. This adaptive method is a semi-Lagrangian scheme based on hierarchical finite elements. It involves a local interpolation operator. Our algorithm handles both irregular data dependencies and the big amount of data by distributing data into blocks. Performance measurements on a PC cluster’s confirm the pertinence of our approach. This work is a part of the CALVI project 1 . Key words: Parallel numerics, 4D Vlasov equation, Adaptive method.
Olivier Hoenen, Eric Violard
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where PPAM
Authors Olivier Hoenen, Eric Violard
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