

Building a Communication Bridge with Mobile Hubs

14 years 8 months ago
Building a Communication Bridge with Mobile Hubs
We study scenarios where mobile hubs are charged with building a communication bridge between two given points s and t. We introduce a new bi-criteria optimization problem where the objectives are minimizing the number of hubs on the bridge and either the maximum or the total distance traveled by the hubs. For a geometric version of the problem where the hubs must move onto the line segment [s, t], we present algorithms which achieve the minimum number of hubs while remaining within a constant factor of a given motion constraint.
Onur Tekdas, Yokesh Kumar, Volkan Isler, Ravi Jana
Added 25 May 2010
Updated 25 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Onur Tekdas, Yokesh Kumar, Volkan Isler, Ravi Janardan
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