

Cascaded Execution: Speeding Up Unparallelized Execution on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

14 years 2 months ago
Cascaded Execution: Speeding Up Unparallelized Execution on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Both inherently sequential code and limitations of analysis techniques prevent full parallelization of many applications by parallelizing compilers. Amdahl's Law tells us that as parallelization becomes increasingly effective, any unparallelized loop becomes an increasingly dominant performance bottleneck. We present a technique for speeding up the execution of unparallelized loops by cascading their sequential execution across multiple processors: only a single processor executes the loop body at any one time, and each processor executes only a portion of the loop body before passing control to another. Cascaded execution allows otherwise idle processors to optimize their memory state for the eventual execution of their next portion of the loop, resulting in significantly reduced overall loop body execution times. We evaluate cascaded execution using loop nests from wave5, a Spec95fp benchmark application, and a synthetic benchmark. Running on a PC with 4 Pentium Pro processors ...
Ruth E. Anderson, Thu D. Nguyen, John Zahorjan
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where IPPS
Authors Ruth E. Anderson, Thu D. Nguyen, John Zahorjan
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