

Coexistence of ZigBee-Based WBAN and WiFi for Health Telemonitoring Systems

8 years 10 months ago
Coexistence of ZigBee-Based WBAN and WiFi for Health Telemonitoring Systems
—The development of telemonitoring via wireless body area networks (WBANs) is an evolving direction in personalized medicine and home-based mobile health. A WBAN consists of small, intelligent medical sensors which collect physiological parameters such as EKG (electrocardiogram), EEG (electroencephalography) and blood pressure. The recorded physiological signals are sent to a coordinator via wireless technologies, and are then transmitted to a healthcare monitoring center. One of the most widely used wireless technologies in WBANs is ZigBee because it is targeted at applications that require a low data rate and long battery life. However, ZigBee-based WBANs face severe interference problems in the presence of WiFi networks. This problem is caused by the fact that most ZigBee channels overlap with WiFi channels, severely affecting the ability of healthcare monitoring systems to guarantee reliable delivery of physiological signals. To solve this problem, we have developed an algorithm ...
Yena Kim, SeungSeob Lee, SuKyoung Lee
Added 11 Apr 2016
Updated 11 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where TITB
Authors Yena Kim, SeungSeob Lee, SuKyoung Lee
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