

A Comparison of Two Document Clustering Approaches for Clustering Medical Documents

14 years 3 months ago
A Comparison of Two Document Clustering Approaches for Clustering Medical Documents
Medical data is often presented as free text in the form of medical reports. Such documents contain important information about patients, disease progression and management, but are difficult to analyse with conventional data mining techniques due to their unstructured nature. Clustering the medical documents into small number of meaningful clusters may facilitate discovering patterns by allowing us to extract a number of relevant features from each cluster, thus introducing structure into the data and facilitating the application of conventional data mining techniques. For this approach to work, it is essential to produce high-quality clustering. Thus, the main goals of this paper are (1) to experimentally evaluate the performance of six criterion functions in the context of partitional clustering approach, (2) to compare the clustering results of agglomerative approach and partitional approach for each of the criterion functions using real-world medical documents, and (3) to establis...
Fathi H. Saad, Beatriz de la Iglesia, Duncan G. Be
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where DMIN
Authors Fathi H. Saad, Beatriz de la Iglesia, Duncan G. Bell
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