

The Complexity of Global Cardinality Constraints

14 years 8 months ago
The Complexity of Global Cardinality Constraints
In a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) the goal is to find an assignment of a given set of variables subject to specified constraints. A global cardinality constraint is an additional requirement that prescribes how many variables must be assigned a certain value. We study the complexity of the problem CCSP(Γ), the constraint satisfaction problem with global cardinality constraints that allows only relations from the set Γ. The main result of this paper characterizes sets Γ that give rise to problems solvable in polynomial time, and states that the remaining such problems are NP-complete.
Andrei A. Bulatov, Dániel Marx
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where LICS
Authors Andrei A. Bulatov, Dániel Marx
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