

Computational schemes for biomimetic sculpture

13 years 11 months ago
Computational schemes for biomimetic sculpture
A prototype system for the automatic evolution of biomimetic structures using structural automata is described and its utility for generating digital sculpture is demonstrated. Sculptures are generated from a primordial shape which is represented in terms of a triangular mesh and sculpture is created by extending the original surface using tetrahedral structural elements. Recursively applicable rules or equivalently, automata, are defined which allow the sculptor to generate a volumetric scaffold from the original surface. This scaffold is generated using the stated rules for inserting and connecting together the tetrahedral elements. The software is operated as a generative process where sculptures are grown from an original triangular surface mesh as a sequence of layers. Each layer is created as a 2-step process. In step 1, we populate the surface with tetrahedral structures where the base of each tetrahedron coincides with a surface triangle. Step 2 re-triangulates the apexes of ...
Brower Hatcher, Karl Aspelund, Andrew R. Willis, J
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Brower Hatcher, Karl Aspelund, Andrew R. Willis, Jasper Speicher, David B. Cooper, Frederic F. Leymarie
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