

Computing mean and variance under Dempster-Shafer uncertainty: Towards faster algorithms

14 years 1 months ago
Computing mean and variance under Dempster-Shafer uncertainty: Towards faster algorithms
In many real-life situations, we only have partial information about the actual probability distribution. For example, under Dempster-Shafer uncertainty, we only know the masses m1, . . . , mn assigned to different sets S1, . . . , Sn, but we do not know the distribution within each set Si. Because of this uncertainty, there are many possible probability distributions consistent with our knowledge; different distributions have, in general, different values of standard statistical characteristics such as mean and variance. It is therefore desirable, given a Dempster-Shafer knowledge base, to compute the ranges [E, E] and [V , V ] of possible values of mean E and of variance V . In their recent paper, A. T. Langewisch and F. F. Choobineh show how to compute these ranges in polynomial time. In particular, they reduce the problem of computing V to the problem of minimizing a convex quadratic function, a problem which can be solved in time O(n2
Vladik Kreinovich, Gang Xiang, Scott Ferson
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where IJAR
Authors Vladik Kreinovich, Gang Xiang, Scott Ferson
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