

Consistency Management with Repair Actions

15 years 8 days ago
Consistency Management with Repair Actions
Comprehensive consistency management requires a strong mechanism for repair once inconsistencies have been detected. In this paper we present a repair framework for inconsistent distributed documents. The core piece of the framework is a new method for generating interactive repairs from full first order logic formulae that constrain these documents. We present a full implementation of the components in our repair framework, as well as their application to the UML and related heterogeneous documents such as EJB deployment descriptors. We describe how our approach can be used as an infrastructure for building higherlevel, domain specific frameworks and provide an overview of related work in the database and software development environment community.
Christian Nentwich, Wolfgang Emmerich, Anthony Fin
Added 09 Dec 2009
Updated 09 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICSE
Authors Christian Nentwich, Wolfgang Emmerich, Anthony Finkelstein
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