

Defining Security Services for Electronic Tendering

13 years 11 months ago
Defining Security Services for Electronic Tendering
A major step is required to integrate critical legal requirements into e-tendering system design. The current systems using ad-hoc security mechanisms do not meet the legal requirements for forming a complex electronic contract. This paper analyses the etendering process and its legal obligations. The mapping of these obligations to security policies has identified a set of essential security services (mechanisms) for e-tendering systems, with particular emphasis on the contract forming process. These essential security services provide a promising solution for a reliable etendering system.
Rong Du, Ernest Foo, Colin Boyd, Brian Fitzgerald
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ACSW
Authors Rong Du, Ernest Foo, Colin Boyd, Brian Fitzgerald
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