

Densest k-Subgraph Approximation on Intersection Graphs

14 years 1 days ago
Densest k-Subgraph Approximation on Intersection Graphs
We study approximation solutions for the densest k-subgraph problem (DS-k) on several classes of intersection graphs. We adopt the concept of -quasi elimination orders, introduced by Akcoglu et al. [1], generalizing the perfect elimination orders for chordal graphs, and develop a simple O()-approximation technique for graphs admitting such a vertex order. This concept allows us to derive constant factor approximation algorithms for DS-k on many intersection graph classes, such as chordal graphs, circular-arc graphs, claw-free graphs, line graphs of -hypergraphs, disk graphs, and the intersection graphs of fat geometric objects. We also present a PTAS for DS-k on unit disk graphs using the shifting technique.
Danny Z. Chen, Rudolf Fleischer, Jian Li
Added 15 Feb 2011
Updated 15 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where WAOA
Authors Danny Z. Chen, Rudolf Fleischer, Jian Li
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